Adventures under the Indigo Sun
An update on the Irondale Irregulars' adventures in the world of Invisible Sun, plus our first campaign poster!

The Irregulars have played a number of pencil-and-paper games over the years, including a four year 5th Edition D&D campaign, Traveler, FATE Core, Numenera, BATTLETECH, and Cortex. Out of all of them, I think Invisible Sun has been the most compelling – its focus on character-driven narratives has made our players the center of attention. They talk with each other about their characters' relationships (unheard of!), write stories about their "off-screen" adventures with one another (wait, what?), and are the primary drivers of the main plot!
With help from Monte Cook's Directed Campaign option, our vislae have:
- Delved in to the mystery of a street that never existed
- Explored an unfinished train station haunted by the ghosts of commuters that never were
- Seen a house (and everything inside of it) sprout spider legs
- Ridden an impossibly long train to a desert town where the residents mine magical ice
- Ventured in to ruined expanses between city districts to eliminate weapons made of hate
- Crossed the boundries between the Suns to explore new realities
- Founded their own mercenary group
- Established a trade route between their headquarters and a fortress that trades in good fortune
- And so much more!
To celebrate the 18 month mark of our campaign, we commisioned a poster from Bernadette Meeker (who is a pleasure to work with – highly recommended!):

Here's to future stories and adventures!